Collection: Thor's Hammers

Welcome and feel free to browse our ever-expanding collection of Thor's Hammer pendants & necklaces.

About the Hammer:

Thor's Hammer, known as Mjölnir in Norse mythology, is one of the most iconic and powerful symbols associated with the thunder god, Thor. This enchanted hammer is renowned for its ability to summon lightning and thunder, making Thor the protector of both gods and humans against the forces of chaos and giants. Mjölnir was forged by the skillful dwarven brothers, Brokkr and Sindri, and it possesses many magical attributes, including the power to return to Thor's hand when thrown. The hammer also serves as a symbol of Thor's immense strength and his unwavering dedication to defending Asgard and Midgard from threats. It's a cherished emblem in Norse culture, representing not only protection but also the resilience and determination of the Norse people in the face of adversity.